H/T Jon Lopez/Nike
BJ Mack had a breakout spring for Team CP3 (NC), showcasing an improved all-around floor game while maintaining the physical presence that turned him into an elite recruit.
We caught up with the CP3 big man before Peach Jam, getting an opinion on a number of different topics:
Question: You’re a big rebounder for Team CP3. How much do your teammates rely on you to get the boards?
BJ Mack: We’re just a good, well-rounded team, and anyone knows their role and what they can do on a given night. For me, I just try and come out and rebound as hard as I can for my team.
Q: You earned an All-Breakout honor this season. What does that mean to you?
BM: It means a lot. It means that all the hard work I did and all the preparation I did at Oak Hill has really paid off.
Q: Is there anything you’re working on specifically?
BM: Just showing that I can extend the floor and keep my body in shape.
Q: Do you have a favorite teammate?
BM: (smiles) I love all my teammates.
Q: Do you guys have good chemistry on and off the court?
BM: Yeah we do, we’ve known everyone since eighth grade so it’s just been a bond.
Q: What do you do off the court? Play a lot of FortNite?
BM: Oh yeah, we always play that. That’s the game to play.
Q: Who’s your favorite to play with?
BM: Chaz Gwyn.
Q: What are you goals for the rest of the season?
BM: Win Peach Jam.
Q: How is that going to be accomplished?
BM: Hard work, preparation and trusting your teammates.